Craft guilds of shoemakers or locksmiths or gold smiths is what used to come to my mind, when I heard the word ‘collective’. I come from finance background and a world of corporations, so I wasn’t familiar with this idea before. Here is a bit of my story accountant-on-the-run-paints-on-stuff
After I moved to Copenhagen, I started to look for art communities and this is how I joined female art collective in Art Escape Studios.

In May this year we had our second group exhibition ‘Introspection’. As we are a young collective, we are continuously seeking for ways to get to know each other better. Therefore the task for the exhibition was to portrait each other. My portrait parter happened to be Christine Petersen who is an amazing pastel artist.
Looking at a few pictures of Christine, I started brainstorming in my sketchbook.

After quick sketch and a lot of thought I developed my design in Photoshop. I focused on long, beautiful neck, blond hair and a ‘bad ass vibe’. Oranges instead of headphones symbolises love of Spain and music, while the pink lollipop with gender symbol expresses feminine strength.
Time to transfer it on wood and start painting!

Almost done …
At the exhbition! Christine and me 🙂

What a night! 🙂
BTW Feeling spontaneous one day, I had an idea to make a little promo video to spread a word about our exhibition. We had a lot of fun with that! 🙂