There is a young girl that talks to the monster hand painted on one of the doors of Art Escape Studios in Copenhagen. She comes to the kids workshops and whenever she has the chance, she creeps off to talk to the monster to act as his official translator, telling the other kids in the group what she’s saying and how she’s feeling!
I painted this monster a few months ago and stories like this makes the week spent on painting on door in a back breaking position really worth it 🙂
One day, Melanie, who owns Art Escape Studios asked if I wanted to paint on the door that leads to our basement studio. I thought it was a good idea, but waited for a slower time, when custom shoes are not in demand and I can have a bit of time for a playful project.
From time to time I would imagine what I would paint there. A dog? A unicorn? Then I remembered about the monster, which I painted in our house in Poland (photo below)! Perfect…I need a new monster in my life!!!

Our studio in the basement is available only to artists from the Art Collective, so I thought it would be nice to play with the imagination of people visiting the cafe, looking at the door and wondering what could be down there!
I settled on the idea of painting just a monster hand, reaching out, which, in a dimly lit room, draws the viewers attention a little more than normal, giving the customers a spark to imagine what could be living down there!
In fact I already knew the monster, that would move into the basement. It was the one from my illustration Cyclists of Copenhagen. I thought it would be nice, if she could live in my favourite studio. At the end of the day, she is a very friendly creature and she, so fits perfectly with our Art Collective 😉

In order to relate my monster to the Art Studio, I decided it will be getting a manicure from artists in our collective so I painted each of her nails in a different colour, depicting the variety of the Art Collective Gang!
It took me a week of sitting on stairs, trying not to fall into a basement, but now when I hear different stories about it, it was all worth it.

The final result and of course a selfie with Melanie to celebrate it 😉