This post is about how I left my solitude cave and became a part of an Art Collective 🔥
Remember when in March I was bragging about How I didn’t go bananas working alone? So well, in May I definitely did… It was the 5th month of lockdown and I was living in a foreign country, where I knew only my family. I lost my all my creative energy and I absolutely went bananas…

With the end of lockdown and decrease of covid restrictions, things started to brighten up, I started to look for opportunities for social interactions. This started with Coffee mornings and Mum’s Night Out parties with parents from school. Oh these were funnnn! ☕🥂😂
I also started to volunteer at a honey producer. Things were gooood again 😍 However I was still working in my home office. Don’t get me wrong, I am more of an introvert than an extravert and I do love my cave but not all the time…
Sooo, as Art Escape Studio (AES) opened up to public again, I started to visit it more. Since January they were stocking my custom shoes for sale in their Store. However I felt that I needed to become a bigger part of this community.

So after summer, I decided to join the artist’s collective at AES. This meant I could come to AES any time and work on my stuff. I got access “backstage” and I even got my shelving space 😁
I started treating it as my new office. I took most of my paints and materials into AES and started working there 4 days a week. Of course there was often a time, when I preferred to stay in my cave and have a cosy day of home office. However I pushed myself to go there and in the end I was always happy that I left home 💪🚴

For me it’s a bit like with swimming, you see…. It’s a hassle to prepare for swimming and then it’s often difficult to get into the cold water, but in the end I always love it.
After weeks of working regularly in the studio, meeting different people and socialising with AES team, I felt more and more myself. I felt like I found my place in Copenhagen🥰

All of this didn’t happen if Art Escape Studio wasn’t run by a friendly, energetic, hard working and fun Canadian artist Melanie Smith. She is really a rare find and I am so happy I met her 😊 She doesn’t let me stop and feel sorry for myself when things are not working so well. Being an artist is hard but when you have good people around you, its always a bit easier. Adding to that my fellow artists from collective and others from AES team, I love that I am a part of something bigger.

As an art collective, we support each other and spread the word about each other. It’s like a big networking machine. But we also like to drink wine together and sign karaoke ha ha 🎤
And you know what? I am not so unknown in Copenhagen anymore. Sometimes people who come to AES ask me ‘Are you the sneaker lady?’. So yeah I am the sneaker lady who is a part of awesome art collective in AES😁
Next time I will write about our group exhibition, which happened last week. Bear with me! 🐻