Stop Motion Animation to celebrate World Ocean Day

One day Melanie (our art collective ‘mummy’) , asked me if I wanted to do something for World Oceans Day in her homeland Newfoundland. And I never say no to cool opportunities like this!

The idea was to create a tutorial for kids that  include endangered species living in Newfoundland. Perhaps ‘How to draw a fish’ or something similar.

So, as I like to make my job challenging, I immediately thought of making a tutorial on stop motion animation. I love animation, but I don’t have many opportunities to do it. This was a perfect moment 🙂

As soon as I got a list of my actors – endangered creatures from the east coast of Canada, I got to work!

Humpback Whale, Puffin, Leatherback turtle and a few others! 

 After initial sketches on paper, I prepared the designs in Adobe Illustrator.

The idea was that kids could print the animals and use them for their stop motion animation. 

That’s why each animal was divided into parts, so they can move their eyes, thins and whatever else in order to create a movement. 

And hop!


So if you want to spend a fun afternoon with your kids or by yourself 😉 take this tutorial and watch ocean species come to life! 

All you need is:

  • FREE materials from my shop
  • a smartfon
  • scissors
  • a bit of imagination 🙂
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