‘Hey, remember when you told me, you always wanted to paint a mural outside? There is a gig in Roskilde, wanna come and paint?’ – said my friend Chris
Well, within last 3 weeks, I had a solo exhibition, went for a ‘dentist’ trip to Poland, moved to a different apartment and I was expecting my mum in law to visit for few days, feeling a bit exhausted … so not a good time man, not good… but how could I say ‘no’? ha ha

Design in Photoshop

I use projector for inside murals, but this time printing main parts of the design felt safer

Let's tidy up this wall first!

Mermaid is ready to transfer

Chris painting dreamy mountains

Here she is...

And done! Thank you Chris for inviting me to this collab:)
watch the video
Also please check the art of the talented chrisrini.com